Benefit payment processing freeze – mid-August
Each year, as part of the annual review process and to enable the calculation and allocation of final year-end earnings rates, the Trustee briefly suspends the processing of benefit payments (though any urgently required payments can still be processed in exceptional circumstances). The purpose of this suspension is to ensure that the correct account balances are used for earnings allocation purposes.
This year the Trustee intends that the benefit payments suspension period will be 12 to 19 August (or a shorter period if practicable).
To ensure that any near-term payment or withdrawal requests can be processed without being delayed by the required suspension, please make sure to email them to the Fund administrator at at least 10 working days before 12 August. This will allow us sufficient time to process your request.
This information has been prepared by Mercer (N.Z.) Limited for general information only. The information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.
29 July 2024