Cyber Smart Week is a yearly event that highlights the significance of online security and motivates New Zealanders to take proactive measures.
Read moreEach year, as part of the annual review process and to enable the calculation and allocation of final year-end earnings rates.
Read moreCompounding returns (commonly described as “compound interest”) are an important concept in the financial world.
Read moreBudgeting helps you plan for the unexpected. Saving for retirement and building an emergency savings buffer can give you peace of mind for the future.
Read moreWhat are your retirement goals? The concept of retirement means different things to different people. Whether it is the opportunity to travel, spend time with family, start a new project,
Read moreVoting for four Member-elected Trustee Directors to take office for a three-year term from 1 November 2022 until 31 October 2025 (subject to the provisions governing the Fund) closed on Friday 9 Sep.
Read moreVoting is now open to elect four Member-elected Trustee Directors, whose three-year tenure will commence on 1 November 2022.
Read moreA feature of the NZAS Retirement Fund is your ability to have a say in how it is managed.
Read moreThis recent market volatility is simply a reflection of the markets returning to a more normal monetary policy setting environment.
Read moreSaving for a ‘rainy day’ is an idiom many of us will know; It is the savings principle of putting some money aside today for a future time of need.
Read moreWe are delighted to announce the recent launch of our new NZAS Retirement Fund website! This site is designed to improve site functionality, navigation, and security and is hosted under the new domain
Read moreThe Fund offers four investment options (Cash, Conservative, Balanced, and Growth) for you to choose from.
The concept of retirement means different things to different people.
A feature of the NZAS Retirement Fund is your ability to have a say in how it is managed.
Following the recent announcement from Rio Tinto, members will likely have questions about the NZAS Retirement Fund and their retirement savings. Please login to your online account to view the latest
Read moreMembers may have questions about the Fund and their retirement savings following the recent announcement from Rio Tinto.
After 1 October 2020 all members’ death benefits will be paid automatically to their estates.
Voting for four Member-elected Trustee Directors to take office for a three-year term from 1 Nov 2019 until 31 Oct 2022 (subject to the provisions governing the Fund) closed on Friday 27 Sep 2019.
Read moreOn the evening of Friday 16 February 2018, an incorrect interest rate was applied to the process which calculated the balances of members who were invested in the Growth investment option.
It's not easy to hold your nerve as you watch share markets plunge – but 'don’t panic' really is good advice.
In March 2019, the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2018-19, Modernising Tax Administration, and Remedial Matters) Act 2019 became law and made a number of changes to the KiwiSaver Act 2006.
Read moreMany New Zealanders spend longer choosing a movie to watch than checking their retirement savings, reveals the Financial Markets Authority.
Read moreSetting financial goals (and sticking to them) can play a big role in helping you achieve the retirement lifestyle you want.
Read moreWe speak with Luke, one of the Helpline team members who answers the phones, about what commonly asked questions members have, his role, and when someone should call in to the team.
Read moreProtect what’s important to you by planning ahead. Make sure your loved ones are taken care of, and your assets are distributed how you want, if something were to happen to you.
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